Otoy also plans to introduce a new ubermaterial eventually a universal layered material presumably along the lines of the principled Disney shaders found in many other renderers.There will also be a new Open Shading Language-based AOV mixer, and deep pixel, multi-view and light field rendering will be improved.Other new features planned between the current preview build and the final release include a rounded edge shader, and random walk subsurface scattering.AI Denoiser works from internal perceptual models of material, spectral irradiance and scene data before conversion to RGB in the viewport.Unlike Nvidia’s AI-based OptiX 5.0 denoising system, recently integrated into V-Ray Next, it isn’t a post process, but is calculated in real time during the render itself.According to Otoy, it makes a big (6-10x) difference in multi-point/spot light scenes presumably in the time taken to resolve the render to an acceptably low noise level.As a machine learning system, its performance “improves as you render more samples”, and it can be used in conjunction with OctaneRender’s existing Adaptive Sampling system.The second AI-based technology, AI Light, improves sampling, particularly in scenes with many point lights.According to Otoy, the system models the visibility of surfaces within the scene on a per-view basis to maintain optimum performance for out-of-core-geometry.The division of scene assets between in-core and out-of-core memory is handled by the first of the new AI-based technologies that Otoy has just announced: the AI Scene system.There is also a new system for handling out-of-core geometry, making it possible to render scenes too large to fit into available GPU memory without the speed hit usually associated with the process.
Otoy claims that scenes load up to 10x faster than in version 3.x, and update up to 100x faster a “night and day difference” that makes it possible to scrub through FBX and Alembic animations in real time.The integration, which gives OctaneRender a new “game-engine-like scene graph”, promises considerable speed boosts.Integration of the Brigade engine, major speed boosts to scene loading and updating.Although it’s still an experimental preview, today’s release shows that development work on version 4.0’s original key features is advancing and throws in some exciting new features of its own.First announced in April 2016, OctaneRender 4.0 was originally supposed to ship last year, although the original roadmap has slipped considerably since then: the current stable.
Octane 2020 Mac is a real-time, physically correct 3D rendering engine that uses GPUs instead of CPUs for processing.