Don’t tell your partner that you just need 'a couple of days' when you're initiating a. ^ "Take A Break Monthly Magazine Subscription". Here's how couples can successfully take a break in their relationship: 1.^ "Take A Break Fiction Feast Magazine Subscription | Buy at .uk | Romantic Fiction"."Rebecca Fleming set to edit Take a Break magazine". The magazine focuses on a mixture of reader submitted "true life" stories, as well as women's health and lifestyle features, puzzles and competitions, following a similar format to sister title That's Life, and rival publications such as Chat and Pick Me Up. Īccording to the Audit Bureau of Circulations, during the period between July and December 2019, the circulation of Take a Break was 416,695 it is the best selling women's weekly magazine in the United Kingdom, and in 2019, its circulation was nearly twice that of the next best seller, TI Media's Woman's Weekly, despite a year on year drop in circulation of -8%. The current editor is Rebecca Fleming, having taken over the role after the resignation of John Dale in 2010. 'When you plan to take time-off at work, you. Take a 15 minute break and start planning your next vacation. Sometimes we just need a mental vacation.

Take a Break is a British women's magazine founded in 1990 and published by H Bauer UK, a subsidiary of the German Bauer Media Group on a weekly basis, with new issues released every Thursday. Let these take a break quotes remind you of the importance of taking breaks to recharge your mind. 1 March 1990 32 years ago ( 1 March 1990) All students should discuss their plans with an academic advisor in their faculty or school before requesting a leave.